This section, like most early links’ sections on the web, was started to provide visitors with other interesting sites. The most famous links’ directory of them all was Yahoo!, which we asked to link us back in 1994 and we saw grow to a massive online presence at its peak.
As Jack Yan & Associates grew online, as was normal practice long before Google, we approached other sites to exchange links with us. Or others approached us, and if we liked what we saw, we added them to this section. Since we always keep our word, we didn’t kill our links’ section as others did when they found theirs no longer served them, originally because we wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt that theirs would return. Even when it became clear there was no more obligation—people concluded that search engines would be sufficient—we still stood by what we said in our reviews, and this section became a fun, historical look back over three decades, including what we thought of the site at the time of writing.
We hope you enjoy this part of the JY&A site and have a glimpse at the places we’ve considered our favourites.
They are divided into six sections:
Lucire has its own links’ section, which you can reach here.