Creating harmony
Welcome to Jack Yan & Associates. We’re an independent firm that has often innovated since we started in 1987. Many ideas were promoted or realized early at JY&A, including digital fonts (1987), virtual companies (1989), digital magazines (1990), online magazines (1994), socially responsible global brands (2000), taking an online magazine into print (2004), then to do so in more than one country (2005), and publishing an international sustainable style editorial (2005).
JYA Creative
Cross-media design, brand strategy and brand creation, backed up by academically rigorous research.
JY&A Fonts
The pioneering typefoundry: first into digital fonts and online retail in Australasia. We also do custom type and specialist legal work.
JY&A Media
The joy of knowledge. The home of Lucire and Autocade, and book titles under our imprint, with plans to create an even greater impact.
Our news
Click here for our press releases. You’ve seen us or our work in or on The New York Times, CNN.com, al-Jazeera English, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Business 2·0, Brand Strategy, Brand Republic, Design Week, Chicago Sun–Times, Women’s Wear Daily, Expressen, AFP, Vogue, Style.com, Harper’s Bazaar, Harper’s Bazaar Australia, Der Spiegel, Professional Manager, The Sydney Morning Herald, The New Zealand Herald, ProDesign, MAP Magazine, BBC News, Publish, IdN, Desktop, Fashion Magazine, Office.com, Aon.at, Shortcut, Graphic Design USA, Elle US, Unlimited, Resumé, UN Radio, RNZ National, Stockholm P5 radio, and Breakfast, Sunday, Good Morning, Headliners and Today Live (TVNZ 1), Nightline, The Paul Henry Show and Sunrise (TV3 New Zealand), as well as other media.