Jack Yan & Associates is an independent company founded in 1987, one which believes in the promise of a healthy and well informed global community.
We believe in open and free communications.
We believe in the freedom and rights of all human beings to realize their full potential.
To accomplish our aims, our company has three parts.
JYA Creative develops and implements identity, branding, and marketing strategies for our clients.
JY&A Fonts is the pioneering independent typefoundry, which has been creating solutions for digital type since the 1980s.
JY&A Media is an independent media company, the home of Lucire and Autocade as well as books under our own imprint. We’re open to sharing with clients our expertise in publishing and licensing.
Here are some of the things we pioneered or realized early, and, as a very public sign of how we keep our promises, here are external links that we compiled over the last 30 years as one of the early netizens.