UK-printed hardcover annual finds fans in the BRD […]
Germany loves Autocade Year of Cars 2025—no surprise, it’s the country that inspired it

UK-printed hardcover annual finds fans in the BRD […]
Burton upon Trent and Wellington, February 10 (JY&A Media) Lucire (, the global fashion magazine founded online in 1997, has chalked up another award in its almost three-decade-long history: best digital fashion magazine, announced in Luxlife’s Style and Apparel Awards 2024 today. ‘We applaud the decision of the team at Luxlife, for recognizing that Lucire’s […]
Göteborg, 1 juli Vad har Victoria Silvstedt, Folkpartiets före detta partiledare Bengt Westerberg, Jannike Björling och Frölundas ishockeylag gemensamt? De har alla varit modeller för Panos Emporio – badklädesmärket som förändrade badmodet inte bara i Sverige utan även i resten av världen. När Panos Papadopoulos startade Panos Emporio 1986 var det svenska badmodet ett färglöst […]
Wellington, June 7 (JY&A Media) As it prepares to celebrate its 25th anniversary, New Zealand fashion magazine Lucire has picked up an award from the UK’s Luxlife magazine as part of the latter’s Health, Beauty and Wellness Awards for 2022. ‘Ultimately, the Health, Beauty and Wellness Awards were launched to determine and recognize the […]
Wellington and London, May 30 (JY&A Media) What do you get when you mix the talents of Sweden’s king of swimwear and a fashion magazine publisher in New Zealand? Only the sensational new autobiography that hit UK and European shelves last Thursday, with a star-studded launch party this Tuesday night at Stockholm’s Nobis Hotel. […]
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Wellington, June 13 (JY&A Media) Lucire, the international fashion magazine started in New Zealand in 1997, is on to a hit in Saudi Arabia, where the publication finds itself in first and businesses classes on Saudia, the country’s national carrier, and in their lounges. A monthly, as it was originally in New Zealand in […]
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When fashion becomes cyclical, Ikea could be the company that could come in and break the mould Stockholm and Wellington, October 28 (JY&A Media) Swedish author and business thinker Stefan Engeseth predicts that Ikea’s next move will be into the world of fashion. Mr Engeseth says that Ikea’s expertise lends itself easily to the […]
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Wellington, August 7 (JY&A Media) In the wake of the Fonterra milk scare, Wellington mayoral candidate Jack Yan believes his policies on creativity and innovation are needed more than ever. Mr Yan releases a video today (see, where he speaks English, te Reo, French and Cantonese, saying that it is important for the […]
Read More… from Wellington's innovation needed when Fonterra-level scares hit
Wellington, July 25 (JY&A Media) Mayoral candidate Jack Yan’s fund-raiser at Soi last week brought together many Wellingtonians in a high-fashion setting, including double Olympian Dick Joyce, former CentrePort chairman Nigel Gould, online publishing pioneer and author Richard MacManus, jewellery designer Victoria Taylor, city councillors and one council candidate. The event, which donated 10 […]
Wellington, July 17 (JY&A Media) Mayoral candidate Jack Yan will take the opportunity of his campaign hui at Soi, at Greta Pt, tonight to talk of his themes of growing Wellington and unity. Mr Yan talks not just of developing the economy—his 10-point growth plan and his entire manifesto have been available for public […]