The Kiwi connection to Europe’s latest fashion designer autobiography

Wellington and London, May 30 (JY&A Media) What do you get when you mix the talents of Sweden’s king of swimwear and a fashion magazine publisher in New Zealand? Only the sensational new autobiography that hit UK and European shelves last Thursday, with a star-studded launch party this Tuesday night at Stockholm’s Nobis Hotel.   […]

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Rocketlab's Peter Beck just misses out in Monaco

Monaco, June 10 (JY&A Media) On June 8, 2017, entrepreneurs from 49 countries descended on Monaco for the 17th annual EY World Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. Representing New Zealand this year, Peter Beck of Rocketlab. Peter’s singular vision in creating a company that would challenge the norm and take New Zealand into space was […]

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New Wellington beauty brand gives back to Africa Day events this week

Wellington, May 23 (JY&A Media) As Wellington gears up to Africa Day this Saturday, with a 12-hour celebration at the Wellington Town Hall beginning at 11.30 a.m., there’s a distinctively non-African name behind the scenes doing the make-up for the fashion show on the day, as well as the smaller Taste of Africa event at […]

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