The Mary & Rhoda list continues



Rebecca Thorpe


Episode Guide
Season Seven
September 25, 1976 to March 19, 1977

Mary Richards      Mary Tyler Moore
Lou Grant      Ed Asner
Murray Slaughter      Gavin MacLeod
Ted Baxter      Ted Knight
Georgette Baxter      Georgia Engel
Sue Ann Nivens      Betty White


Opening credits' notes
The titles themselves are reused from 1974-6, but there is a new arrangement of Love Is All Around, making it fuller and more contemporary. This final arrangement matches the titles the best. There is also a shorter instrumental version for episodes which were cut down in time.

Created by James L. Brooks and Allan Burns
Produced by Ed. Weinberger and Stan Daniels
Executive Story Editor Bob Ellison
Creative Consultant David Lloyd
Story Consultants Glen Charles and Les Charles (on some episodes)
Executive Producers James L. Brooks and Allan Burns
Music Composed and Conducted by Patrick Williams
Theme Song Love Is All Around Written and Performed by Sonny Curtis

An MTM Enterprises, Inc. production


145 Mary Midwife
Georgette gives birth at Mary's dinner party. With the hospital and doctor too far away, Lou and Mary help deliver the baby


The Doctor Ford Rainey

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Jay Sandrich

146 Mary the Writer
Mary decides to take a creative writing course, and is less than delighted with the criticism Lou levels at her efforts


Written by Bert Prelutsky
Directed by James Burrows

147 Sue Ann's Sister
Sue Ann becomes deeply depressed when her sister arrives and gets an offer to do a competing homemaker show in Minneapolis


Lila Nivens Pat Priest

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Jay Sandrich

148 What's Wrong with Swimming?
Mary hires a new sportscaster who refuses to cover any sports but swimming and is faced with the prospect of firing her


B. J. Smathers Caren Kaye

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Marjorie Mullen

149 Ted's Change of Heart
Ted suffers a heart attack on the air and for the next few days becomes conscious of how precious life is. (This is the only episode where we see the editing room, supposedly at the left of the stage)


Xerox Repair Man Harvey Vernon
Dr Carter Jerry Fogel
Phil Howard Dean Santoro
Cameraman Paul Sorensen
Newsman Alessandro Paolone

Written by Earl Pomerantz
Directed by Jay Sandrich

150 One Producer Too Many
Lou promotes Murray to co-producer against Mary's wishes to prevent him from accepting a producer's job at a rival television station


Waiter Richard Self
Violinist Murray Korda

Written by Bob Ellison
Directed by Jay Sandrich

151 My Son, the Genius
Ted and Georgette are initially disturbed to find that their son, David, is not doing well at school, but a psychiatrist's test shows that he is a genius. Unfortunately, David lets this go to his head and takes advantage of Ted


David Baxter Robbie Rist
The Doctor William Bogert
Morris Bender Ned Glass
Receptionist Valorie Armstrong

Written by Bob Ellison
Directed by Joan Darling

152 Mary Gets a Lawyer
Mary faces a contempt charge for not revealing her news source. Lou recommends a lawyer friend who takes a romantic interest in Mary


Barry Munroe John McMartin
The Judge Walter Brooke
Bailiff Jason Johnson
Prosecutor Richard Kline
Process Server Tom Tarpey
Guard Phil J. Macias

Written by Bert Prelutsky
Directed by Jay Sandrich

153 Lou Proposes
Lou realizes that he has feelings for Mary's Aunt Flo, a journalist with a similar pride and passion in the news profession


Flo Meredith Eileen Heckart
Bartender T. J. Castronova

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Jay Sandrich

154 Murray Can't Lose
Lou learns from a source on the Teddy Award's panel that Murray will finally win an award for his news writing


Marie Slaughter Joyce Bulifant
Master of Ceremonies Larry Wilde
Award Presenter Lisa Parkes

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Jay Sandrich

155 Mary's Insomnia
Mary is having trouble sleeping and resorts to pills, which has Lou concerned that she's become addicted to them


Bonnie Slaughter Sherry Hursey
Janitor Ted Lehman

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by James Burrows

156 Ted's Temptation
Mary and Murray find it hard to believe that an attractive young journalist has tried to seduce Ted while they are at a convention in Hollywood


Whitney Lewis Trisha Noble
Man in Restaurant Hal Riddle
Jim Sutton David Brandon

Written by Bob Ellison
Directed by Harry Mastrogeorge

157 Look at Us, We're Walking
Mary and Lou threaten to quit after the new station manager refuses to give them a raise


Mel Price David Ogden Stiers
Receptionist Naomi Caryl

Written by Bob Ellison
Directed by Jay Sandrich

158 The Critic
A pompous but renowned critic is hired to provoke controversy on The Six O'Clock News, but the newsroom thinks he has gone too far when he begins attacking Minneapolis and its residents


Karl Heller Eric Braeden
Mel Price David Ogden Stiers
Maitre D' Tom Newman
Sommelier Warren Munson

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Martin Cohan

159 Lou's Army Reunion
Lou desperately wants to find a way to return a favor to an army buddy but is distraught when he asks Lou to fix him up on a date with Mary


Ben Selwyn Alex Rocco
Man at Reunion Dort Clark

Written by Bob Ellison
Directed by Jay Sandrich

160 The Ted and Georgette Show
Ted and Georgette successfully audition for their own variety show, which becomes a big hit, but Georgette eventually finds that she would prefer being a wife and mother


Mel Price David Ogden Stiers
Elliott Alex Henteloff
Stage Manager Douglas Robinson
Announcer Lee Vines

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Jay Sandrich

161 Sue Ann Gets the Ax
Sue Ann's Happy Homemaker show is canceled but she is determined to stay at WJM and asks Mary to give her a job in the newsroom


Sam Louis Guss
Stage Manager John Petlock
Boy Puppet Réné
Girl Puppet Wandee Feldman

Written by Bob Ellison
Directed by Jay Sandrich

162 Hail the Conquering Gordy
WJM's former weatherman, Gordy Howard, returns to visit Minneapolis after becoming a highly successful network presenter in New York. Ted is desperate for a chance to join Gordy


Gordy Howard John Amos
Mr Cobb David White
Mrs Cobb Mavis Neal Palmer
Publicity Lady Jean Lebouvier
Ted's "Son" Johnnie Avery

Written by Earl Pomerantz
Directed by Jay Sandrich

163 Mary and the Sexagenarian
Mary happily accepts a date from a charming older man without realizing that he's Murray's father, but everyone else has difficulty coming to terms with the difference in their ages


Doug Booth Lew Ayres
Marie Slaughter Joyce Bulifant
Ronny Williams Jon Lomer
Aunt Helen Bartine Zane
Joe Walker Edmiston

Written by Len Charles and Glen Charles
Directed by Jay Sandrich

164 Murray Ghosts for Ted
Ted offers Murray $200 to write an article on his behalf. The article becomes a success, but Ted refuses to share the credit with Murray


Marie Slaughter Joyce Bulifant
Laurie Slaughter Helen Hunt

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Jay Sandrich

165 Mary's Three Husbands
Murray, Ted and Lou fantasize about being married to Mary. (This is the only episode where "dream sequences" are used, and one of the few 'What if?' episodes bringing the show to a close)


Bellhop Bill Dearth

Written by Bob Ellison
Directed by Jay Sandrich

166 Mary's Big Party
Mary has planned a fancy party at her apartment, with a mystery guest of honor, but the power in the building goes before he arrives. (Flashbacks are used for the first and only time in this episode, as the guests reminisce about some of Mary's earlier efforts at parties)


Congresswoman Geddes Irene Tedrow
Special guest appearance by Johnny Carson

Written by Bob Ellison
Directed by Jay Sandrich

167 Lou Dates Mary
Mary has another disastrous date and worries she'll never meet the right man, until Georgette points out that every quality she seeks can be found in Lou Grant. (Trivia: another 'What if?' There had been rumors, one published in TV Guide, March 19, 1977, that the finalé would see the two characters marrying. Ed Asner was reported as favoring the idea)


Jake John Reilly

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Jay Sandrich

168 The Last Show
New owners have bought WJM-TV and proceed to fire everyone in the newsroom, except Ted. (At the end of the episode on its first run, and on some reruns, Mary Tyler Moore introduces the cast. This was cut on some reruns and in the video boxed set)


David Baxter Robbie Rist
Mr Coleman Vincent Gardenia
Special guest stars (in alphabetical order)
Rhoda Gerard Valerie Harper
Phyllis Lindstrom Cloris Leachman

Written by Allan Burns, James L. Brooks, Ed. Weinberger, Stan Daniels, David Lloyd and Bob Ellison
Directed by Jay Sandrich

Emmy Award: Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series (a single episode of a regular or limited series with continuing characters and/or theme)

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