The Mary & Rhoda list continues





Episode Guide
Season Four
September 15, 1973 to March 2, 1974

Mary Richards      Mary Tyler Moore
Lou Grant      Ed Asner
Rhoda Morgenstern      Valerie Harper
Murray Slaughter      Gavin MacLeod
Ted Baxter      Ted Knight
Georgette Franklin      Georgia Engel
and special guest star
Phyllis Lindstrom      Cloris Leachman


Opening credits' notes
Same theme, but new visuals. David Davis was responsible for bringing The Mary Tyler Moore Show into 1973 with new shots of Mary shopping, relaxing, working and socializing in Minneapolis. (There is one carry-over scene, of Mary walking by the lake.) The classic scene where Mary flattens Ted's hat is re-shot for the opening title (it was originally in the episode, 'Christmas and the Hard-luck Kid', in 1970). Mary's car is finally updated to the current model year - but it's not the one Rhoda bought for her at the end of the last season. End titles use similar footage to the opening.

Created by James L. Brooks and Allan Burns
Produced by Ed. Weinberger
Executive Story Consultant Treva Silverman
Executive Producers James L. Brooks and Allan Burns
Music Composed and Conducted by Patrick Williams
Theme Song Love Is All Around Written and Performed by Sonny Curtis

An MTM Enterprises, Inc. production


73 The Lars Affair
Phyllis finds out that Lars has been having an affair with Sue Ann Nivens, the star of WJM-TV's The Happy Homemaker show. (This is Betty White's first episode as Sue Ann)


Sue Ann Nivens Betty White

Written by Ed. Weinberger
Directed by Jay Sandrich

Emmy Award: Best Supporting Actress in Comedy (for a special program, a one-time appearance in a series, or a continuing role): Cloris Leachman

74 Angels in the Snow
Mary's boyfriend is younger than she is - and she and Rhoda discover there is a generation gap when they go and visit his friends at a party


Stephen Peter Strauss
Salesgirl Elayne Heilveil
Girl at Party Carole Ita White
Beck Wilson Jon Korkes

Written by Marilyn Suzanne Miller and Monica Magowan Johnson
Directed by Jay Sandrich

75 Rhoda's Sister Gets Married
Rhoda and Mary fly to New York for Rhoda's younger sister's wedding. Rhoda's mother downplays the whole thing fearing that Rhoda is envious


Ida Morgenstern Nancy Walker
Martin Morgenstern Howard Gould
Debbie Morgenstern Liberty Williams
Aunt Rose Brett Somers

Written by Karyl Geld
Directed by Jerry Belson

76 The Lou and Edie Story
On the advice of their marriage counselor, Lou's wife, Edie, decides to move out. Lou is heartbroken by the prospect


Edie Grant Priscilla Morrill
Mr Charney Darrel Zwerling

Written by Treva Silverman
Directed by Jay Sandrich

Emmy Awards: Best Writing in Comedy (a single program of a series with continuing characters and/or theme), and Writer of the Year - Series.

77 Hi There, Sports Fans
Mary finds herself ordering paper clips and a pair of tweezers at work and demands that Lou give her more responsibility. He obliges and assigns Mary her first task: fire Ed the sportscaster and find a replacement. (Trivium: this is the only time we see Ed the sportscaster)


Ed Cavanaugh Dick Gautier
Andy Rivers John Gabriel
Hank Morton Gordon Jump
Waitress Chanin Hale

Written by Jerry Mayer
Directed by Jay Sandrich

78 Father's Day
Ted meets his father, who deserted him as a baby


Robert Baxter Liam Dunn
Mr Caldwell John Holland

Written by Ed. Weinberger
Directed by Jay Sandrich

79 Son of 'But Seriously Folks'
Mary's former boyfriend Wes Callison gets a job in the Newsroom - but his affection for Mary gets in the way of his work


Wes Callison Jerry van Dyke
Chuckles the Clown Mark Gordon
Director Randy Kirby
Josh McBride Gavin O'Herlihy
Pete Benjamin Chulay

Written by Phil Mishkin
Directed by Jay Sandrich

80 Lou's First Date
Lou gives Mary the task of finding him a date for an awards' ceremony. A name mix-up means that Lou winds up taking out an 80-year-old woman


Martha Dudley Florence Lake
Edie Grant Priscilla Morrill
Andy Rivers John Gabriel
Master of Ceremonies Larry Wilde
Mike Montgomery Jeff Thompson

Written by Ed. Weinberger and Stan Daniels
Directed by Jay Sandrich

81 Love Blooms at Hemple's
Rhoda begins dating the boss of Hemple's and falls deeply in love with him. She wants to tell him how she feels, but Mary warns her to take things slowly


Doug Hemple William Burns
Dr Margaret Kellogg Barbara Barnett

Written by Sybil Adelman and Barbara Gallagher
Directed by Jay Sandrich

82 The Dinner Party
Mary invites Congresswoman Geddes to a fancy dinner at her home, trying hard to ensure that everything is perfect


Sue Ann Nivens Betty White
Congresswoman Geddes Irene Tedrow
Steve Waldman Henry Winkler
Sy Fisher Edgar Daniels

Written by Ed. Weinberger
Directed by Jay Sandrich

83 Just Friends
Lou is still heartbroken over Edie's departure and asks Mary to help them get back together


Edie Grant Priscilla Morrill

Written by William Wood
Directed by Nancy Walker

84 We Want Baxter
Phyllis persuades Ted to stand for local government. Ted agrees and goes so far as quitting his job at WJM-TV


Gordy John Amos

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Jay Sandrich

85 I Gave at the Office
Murray's daughter, Bonnie, is looking for a job and Mary is persuaded into giving her one - but Bonnie is not as efficient as everyone had hoped. (There is a small continuity error: we are told that Bonnie is Murray's only daughter in this episode, but in later series the Slaughters have three. This is one of the very few that creep in over 168 episodes)


Bonnie Slaughter Tammi Bula
Rick Bruce Boxleitner

Written by Don Reo and Allan Katz
Directed by Jay Sandrich

86 Almost a Nun's Story
Georgette is distraught when she catches Ted with another woman and makes plans to join a convent


Sister Ann Gail Strickland

Written by Ed. Weinberger and Stan Daniels
Directed by Jay Sandrich

87 Happy Birthday, Lou!
Lou detests celebrating his birthday. Nevertheless, Mary arranges a surprise party for him - and he is not pleased


Sue Ann Nivens Betty White
Edie Grant Priscilla Morrill
Gordy John Amos

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by George Tyne

88 WJM Tries Harder
Mary begins dating the anchorman from Minneapolis's top news show and becomes ashamed of WJM-TV's smaller news operation


Ross Nelson Anthony Eisly
Bill Brown Ned Wertimer
Pete Benjamin Chulay
Copy Boy Christopher Stafford Nelson
Marc Williams Regis J. Cordic

Written by Karyl Geld
Directed by Jay Sandrich

89 Cottage for Sale
Phyllis, who has gotten her real estate license, persuades Lou to sell his house. However, Lou hasn't really made up his mind whether he wants to move


David Russell David Haskell
Rena Russell Michelle Nichols
Moving Man Robert Riesel

Written by George Atkins
Directed by Jay Sandrich

90 The Co-Producers
Mary and Rhoda are given permission to develop a new show for WJM - but their dreams begin to fade when they find out that the hosts will be Ted and Sue Ann, who both begin to interfere with their plans


Sue Ann Nivens Betty White

Written by David Pollock and Elias Davis
Directed by Jay Sandrich

91 Best of Enemies
Rhoda tells a secret of Mary's - that she never graduated from college, as she claimed on her job application - and their friendship is suddenly put at risk. (Trivium: this episode has one of two outside shots used in the series. Mary and Rhoda are filmed walking together along a street, although it's hard to say where this was located)


Written by Marilyn Suzanne Miller and Monica Johnson
Directed by Jay Sandrich

92 Better Late ... That's a Pun ... Than Never
To relieve her boredom, Mary jokingly writes a humorous obituary of one of the people in the WJM-TV file. Coincidentally, the same person dies the following day and the obituary is read on the air. Lou has no choice but to suspend Mary, but she threatens to quit in response


Erica Jordan Jennifer Leak

Written by Treva Silverman
Directed by John C. Chulay

93 Ted Baxter Meets Walter Cronkite
After a heavy self-promotion campaign, Ted wins his first Teddy Award. When Walter Cronkite comes to the newsroom, Ted assumes that he will be hired by the networks


Andy Rivers John Gabriel
Teddy Presenter John Pringle
Teddy Presenter Patricia Wilson
Miss "Teddy Award" Nanci Beck
Special guest appearance by Walter Cronkite

Written by Ed. Weinberger
Directed by Jay Sandrich

94 Lou's Second Date
Lou and Rhoda find they have a lot in common and begin seeing each other on a casual basis - but everyone assumes that the romance is serious. (This is Valerie Harper's last appearance as a regular cast member)


Sue Ann Nivens Betty White

Written by Ed. Weinberger
Directed by Jerry London

95 Two Wrongs Don't Make a Writer
Ted joins Mary at a night-school class in creative writing, and winds up plagiarizing her assignment


Mrs Mallone Shirley O'Hara

Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Nancy Walker

96 I Was a Single for WJM
Mary goes to a singles bar to research a documentary, but on the night the crew arrives for filming, the same people who were willing to tell Mary everything don't want to be seen on camera. (Trivium: this is Richard Schaal's fourth role on The Mary Tyler Moore Show)


Dino Richard Schaal
Toni Penny Marshall
Alice Arlene Golonka
Bartender Robert Riesel
Stage Manager Randy Kirby

Written by Treva Silverman
Directed by Mel Ferder

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Mary Tyler Moore, Valerie Harper, Mary Richards, Rhoda Morgenstern, Mary & Rhoda, Mary and Rhoda