Wellington, November 9 (JY&A Media) Irirangi Te Motu’s (New Zealand on Air) research into New Zealanders of Chinese and Indian heritage has spurred days of intensive discussion from a number of people from the Chinese New Zealand community, with it labelled ‘disingenuous’ and ‘disconcerting’.
The final report from NZ on Air is called Asian Media Use in Aotearoa 2021, and their announcement, as well as the report’s filename, Chinese and Indian New Zealanders Media Use in Aoteoroa [sic] NZ final, suggest that it is a broad, qualitative study purporting to represent an representative sample of both groups.
Critics say the study is anything but.
Wellingtonian Jack Yan says, ‘Irirangi Te Motu should be applauded for commissioning the research but it is disingenuous to present the Chinese section as representative of the Chinese Kiwi population at large.
‘For instance, only one of the eighteen respondents was New Zealand-born, whereas the 2018 Census puts that group at over a quarter of all Chinese New Zealanders. On this alone, that’s a fifth of the community missing from NZ on Air’s “range”.’
The Wellington Chinese History account on Twitter, run by New Zealand-born Chinese, added, ‘If you had presented the findings in a way that accurately described the Chinese participants, rather than suggesting that that it was representative of the diverse range of Chinese New Zealanders, there would have been less of a feeling of alienation.’
NZ on Air has so far thanked its critics for their kōrero, and added, ‘We are aware that the research has its limitations, we see this research as just one part of a picture—to be added to our other data sources (such as Where Are the Audiences) and viewing insights from platforms. As such it is a piece of the puzzle we haven’t previously had. We will continue to commission further research to better understand audience needs.’
Some of those reacting to the report say they found greater affinity with the Indian New Zealanders interviewed.
Jack Yan, CEO
Jack Yan & Associates
T 64 4 387-3213
E jack.yan@