JY&A Fonts, in Pressly 36 px

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JY Pinnacle by Jack Yan

JY Pinnacle is a distinctive text family, with at least 3,100 kerning pairs (for text fonts) and collections of alternative characters for roman, italic and cap and small cap. Pinnacle has an awareness of tradition, but is individual and fresh. Its oblique axis for lowercase letters such as the o and e is meant to aid legibility.


Pinnacle in text


JY Pinnacle in CAP, Desktop and Publish.


Jack Yan, 1995–6, 2011


JY Pinnacle Hamburgefontsiv


Rupee equipped150 JY Pinnacle Pro OpenType, US$189 (rupee equipped)
1501 JY Pinnacle Pro Roman, US$55
1502 JY Pinnacle Pro Italic, US$55
1503 JY Pinnacle Pro Bold, US$45
1504 JY Pinnacle Pro Bold Italic, US$45


127 JY Pinnacle 1 package, US$110
1271 JY Pinnacle Roman, US$39
1272 JY Pinnacle Italic, US$39
1273 JY Pinnacle Bold, US$39
1274 JY Pinnacle Bold Italic, US$39


128 JY Pinnacle OSF 1 package, US$110
1281 JY Pinnacle OSF Roman, US$39
1282 JY Pinnacle OSF Italic, US$39
1283 JY Pinnacle OSF Bold, US$39
1284 JY Pinnacle OSF Bold Italic, US$39


129 JY Pinnacle 2 package, US$75
1291 JY Pinnacle SCOSF, US$39
1292 JY Pinnacle Roman Alternatives, US$19
1293 JY Pinnacle Italic Alternatives, US$19
1294 JY Pinnacle Cap and Small Cap Alternatives, US$19