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The Economist is
the weekly news and business publication written expressly
for top business decision-makers and opinion leaders who need an
international outlook in an increasingly global market-place. Each
weekly issue explores the links between domestic and international
issues, business, finance, current affairs, science, technology,
and the artsand provides a refreshingly objective perspective
on it all.
Fast Company
Fast Companythe
handbook of the business revolutionis Rolling
Stone meets the Harvard
Business Review. Each hip, groundbreaking issue covers
the latest business news and trends, leading-edge entrepreneurs,
and of course, the fastest companies in business today. If you're
looking for more than a conservative business magazine, read Fast
Earlier editorials
Save Detroitnow
With Detroits dire financial state now publicly
revealed, Jack Yan follows up his earlier paper with a discussion
on how the Big Three can be saved
Starting the axis
of good
By viewing al-Qaeda as a brand, it doesn�t seem
as daunting�and that its communication techniques can equally be
used for good, writes Jack Yan
Well Beyond Branding
Beyond Branding is more than a book: it is
a real call for change in the way business is conducted. That change
does not start with branding departments, but with you as an individual,
says Malcolm Allan
Identity, brands and culture
Knowing whom not to listen
As our sister magazine Lucire
prepares to launch a print edition in Romania, Jack Yan credits
ignoring advice that would have put the company back into the twentieth
century Is Yahoo! still a
Analysing the brand alone, Yahoo! has lost its lovin�
feeling and is looking positively shaky, writes Jack Yan Avoiding SARS through
It isnt as preposterous an idea as it might
sound: if China had been sincere about its desire to rebrand, then
SARS could have been dealt with earlier, says Jack Yan
Analysing brands can
tell you whether to buy
With confidence in traditional stock analysis hurt,
a better and more long-term way could be examining corporations
brands, according to Jack Yan
Brands transcend economics
(and The Economist)
The Economist focused on
brands the week before the WTC attack but its presentation of the facts
was botched through misunderstanding of the profession, says Jack Yan
Marketing through modern
mind control
There are two kinds of marketing: direct marketing and
brand marketing. Direct marketing targets wallets. Branding is about hearts
and minds, writes Linda Cox
A �brand� new you with a
big-brand bank account
Branding is about personalities that humanize the organization,
writes Anne-Marie Baugh
Corporate culture: a case
Jack Deal on the elusive
corporate culture�and those who have it, and those who don't
General business
Governments and globalization
How real is the globalization touted
by governments? Not very, if their aim is to exert more control
over their citizens, says John Robertson
What is entrepreneurship?
Recent contact with universities gives Jack Yan a
chance to chew on the definitions three ingredients
Why spamming is worse now
Serious marketers will always tell you that spamming is
bad. In 2002, it's an even more impractical proposition, says Jack
Rover under John Towers:
where to from here?
In our progress report on MG Rover under Phoenix, the
consortium that bought the former BMW division, we conclude that things
are not as gloomy as some media commentators, especially the British press,
have made out
Boy Power: a
gentlemanly revival
The New Lad is passé, says Jack Yan. In
the 2000s, a more refined gentleman has come about and should be the favoured
male demographic
Guerrilla insights into
Jay Conrad Levinson, looks at how smaller
businesses can use technology to their advantage against larger competitors
How John Towers can save
Jack Yan on potential, low-cost
strategies for ensuring Rover's short-term future, including a sport-luxury
repositioning and focus on innovation
boo.com boo hoo
With high costs, overstaffing and allegations of politicking,
boo.com was bound to fail
Where is DaimlerChrysler
The merged company still seems to act like two separate
ones, plus how do the brands relate?
Enforcing promises: a matter of
Legal costs are only high because we make them so
Welcome back, Harper's
Harper's Bazaar gets redesigned for 2002 and goes
traditional, just as we predicted, by Jack Yan
All quiet on the western
Makambo.com is another high-profile closure, this time
in the font industry. Although profitable, does it mark a downturn in
the industry?
The parodic postmodern car
Postmodernism is with us now, but what does that mean
for automotive designand is it really a movement, or just a clever
marketing ploy? Jack Yan ponders
Mazda's woes reflected
in boxy designs
Pessimistic design from Mazda, with the incongruously
designed 1999 Laser
Which Ford where?
For those confused by our Ford story, our summary on which
compact was sold where