For immediate release JY&A
Yan: Kiwi sovereignty under threat from China free-trade agreement
Publisher says Red China has shown it does
not respect NZ sovereignty; claims expatriate Chinese in New Zealand
cringed on thought of deal
Wellington, April 8 (JY&A
Media) International think-tank
director and publisher Jack
Yan is against the free-trade deal with Red China, not only
because of the likely detriments to New Zealand workers or the crackdown
on Tibetans, but because of a mistrust of Beijing and its effect
on New Zealand sovereignty.
‘Would you sign a contract with someone who has
a proven record of bad behaviour?’ he asked. ‘Maybe Labour–National
would, but I wouldn’t.’
Mr Yan, who by ethnicity is Chinese, says that
Beijing has already affected the way the New Zealand Government
and the main National opposition behave through meddling.
‘Look at the way our representatives in Parliament
are talking. Instead of criticizing Red China over its violence
against Tibetans, the major parties all had to tip-toe.
‘They can’t even express the way we feel about
things any more. Even the Prime Minister, known for being a straight
shooter, totally moderated her tone in dealing with Red China.
He is concerned that Beijing now believes it has
a say in who gets to do what in New Zealand.
He says that last year, Beijing authorities ordered
the barring of New Zealand journalist Nick Wang from covering a
Parliamentary function in Wellington. ‘Mr Wang was prevented entry
by members of our own police force,’ says Mr Yan.
Mr Wang, who was approved by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs as part of the group of journalists covering the signing
of the free-trade agreement in Beijing, was denied a visa by the
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China last week—which made international
‘If they are prepared to target one New Zealander
who is just doing his job, I doubt they are going to be sympathetic
to others,’ he argues.
Many of the expatriate Chinese at a recent
conference at which Trade Negotiations Minister Phil Goff
spoke cringed when he talked up his free-trade agreement,
he claims. If Chinese New Zealanders feel this way, what does
that say?
Mr Yan says he is a staunch supporter of the Chinese
people and their freedoms, and that giving preferential treatment
to a country that has such a poor record in human rights and labour
practices sends a very dangerous message about New Zealand’s own
integrity as a trading partner.
‘Preference should be given to those nations that
are prepared to come to a compromise about New Zealand values, not
those that have shown to dismiss them as irrelevant,’ he says.
‘We must engage with China, in diplomacy and in
trade, but we shouldn’t hand them the cup before the game is played.
‘Even in Asia there are countries that we should
be looking at first, such as India, which at least shares our common
law heritage with a billion-strong market—heck, the Indians own
Jaguar and Land Rover. Or, if the Chinese are important, then the
Special Administrative Region or Taiwan at least respect New Zealand
sovereignty,’ he says.
Images for this release may be downloaded at <http://jya.net/080408pr0.htm>.
About Jack Yan
Jack Yan founded Jack Yan & Associates (http://jya.net),
one of the world’s first virtual firms, in 1987. His company is
based or represented in over a dozen countries worldwide. Among
his company’s interests are business consulting, imaging, software
and media, including the fashion magazine brand Lucire.
He writes on topics, ranging from branding and business responsibility
to fashion and typography, in numerous publications worldwide and
is a regular international speaker. His personal site is at www.jackyan.com,
and features a highly regarded blog. He is a director of the Medinge
Group (http://medinge.org), a think-tank
in Sweden devoted to cutting-edge branding.
About JY&A Consulting
JY&A Consulting (http://jya.net/consulting)
is part of Jack Yan & Associates, an independent global communications
company founded in 1987. With representation in Wellington, Christchurch,
New York, San Francisco, London, Stockholm, Milano and Jerusalem,
JY&A Consulting tailors solutions using researched business principles,
based around the organization’s vision and identity. The company
specializes in identity, branding, marketing strategy and global
strategy. Its clients have included small businesses, non-profit
organizations and Fortune 500 companies. JY&A Consulting
staff and alumni regularly contribute to the house journal, CAP,
published in print, and online at <http://jya.net/cap/>.
About Lucire
Lucire, the global fashion magazine (www.lucire.com),
started on the web in 1997. In October 2004, it became the first
magazine in its sector to extend its brand into a print magazine.
By May 2005, it became the first web magazine to spawn international
print editions. Lucire became the first fashion industry
partner of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, www.unep.org).
It is headquartered in Wellington, New Zealand and published by
Lucire LLC. For print edition information, see <http://www.lucire.net>.
Notes to editors
Lucire is a registered trade mark of Jack Yan & Associates
and subject to protection in certain jurisdictions. All other trade
marks are the properties of their respective owners and are only
used in a descriptive fashion without any intention to infringe.