Dumb like a fox by Sandy McLendon
Save The Mary Tyler Moore Show on DVD�Fox
has announced it won't continue with the series
Valerie Harper wants you! by
Sandy McLendon
Announcing a call for photos for Valerie's official
Who can take a nothing concept, and
suddenly make it all seem worthwhile? by Sandy McLendon
A review of CBS's TMTMS reunion special which
aired May 13, 2002
Hooray for Hazel by Sandy
A tribute to the Minnesota woman with the scowl
who stood behind Mary during her famous hat toss
Fashioning Maryand friends
by Sandy McLendon
The attention to detail of the Wardrobe Department
at MTM Enterprises was apparent in the shows
Filming The Mary Tyler Moore Show
by Sandy McLendon
A trip back in to the 1970s to see how the show
was filmed
The Mary Tyler tour: getting to see
Mary Richards Minneapolis by Sandy McLendon
The Minneapolis landmarks used in the titles and
location filming of The Mary Tyler Moore Show and how to
get there
A space you wouldnt trade: Mary
Richards apartment on The Mary Tyler Moore Show
by Sandy McLendon
How the 1970s most famous apartment
set was so authentic and a full shopping guide on how to re-create
the décor
