Jack Yan & Associates

JY&A Media


  Our award-winning web development services
  We're set up for contract publishing, which we've done since the 1980s
  Our television and interactive television ventures
  Public relations
  Syndicate our content
  Investor relations
  The companies that cooperate with us
  Contact us
Mild Red, photographed by Briar Shaw


Branding first, PR second

Not many companies respect a client’s brand. We do. Before we even tackle a PR campaign, we have to understand your brand vision and build everything around that. If it’s not there, we’ll tell you—and we expect to help you find a solution.
   We are not going to go and produce a campaign that could lose effectiveness because of another aspect of your branding isn’t up to scratch. Therefore, we aim to work with you in creating more focused, compatible and attitudinal public relations’ work.
   This goes beyond marketing gobbledegook. JY&A Media PR is backed by our sister divisions, including some of the most qualified brand and marketing people in the profession.




It’s our intellectual capital

When you have some of the best journalists on board for your own publications and for contract publishing, then PR is an obvious part of JY&A Media’s mix.
   Our activities go beyond press releases: think, too, of events, press relations and injecting branding and strategic awareness into your campaigns. It goes the other way, too: we can reliably inform and report back into your overall marketing strategy and branding.
   Blend our journalistic integrity with our sister company JY&A Consulting’s industry specialities, we can produce more knowledgeable, meaningful public relations internationally.


Photo centre

Click here for our photo centre (under construction).



The spirit of communication.