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address due to spam and prefer communications via this form.
All spams, especially Nigerian 419 scams,
are immediately reported.
Other contact details
In most cases, our team can be contacted at firstname.surname @
JY&A Media
Jack Yan & Associates
PO Box 14-368
13 Mamari Street
Wellington 6041
New Zealand
Telephone 64 4 387-3213
Fax 64 4 387-3213
Mr Nigel Dunn
Senior Partner, Web Development
JY&A Media
PO Box 113-101
New Zealand
Cellphone 64 21 707-168
Click here to view other centres.
Submitting articles to
JY&A Media
Most people who submit articles to us do not appear to have
even read the publication they are sending to. We strongly
urge that you read the relevant
publication first to get an idea of the tone and subjects
that are cover. Once you have, and you know that your piece
is in line with our expectations, please feel free to contact
us using the form at right or, if attaching a word processing
file, emailing submit-media @
In some cases, JY&A Media is unable
to pay for unsolicited, freelance contributions.
Style guide
JY&A Media uses Harts Rules for Compositors
and Readers, shared with the Oxford University Press,
by default.
All submissions for editorial consideration
should follow this style guide. If emailing, works should
not have hard returns at the end of every line and sentences
should have single spaces between them.