Wellington, January 20 (JY&A Media) Sopheak Seng, stylist and fashion editor of Lucire, is one of the judges for Wellington Cup Day’s Fashion in the Field. As a preview, he will helm a mini-fashion show for the event’s barrier launch this Wednesday, January 22, at Midland Park.
The barrier announcement will commence at 10 a.m., and Mr Seng will show labels including Rembrandt Suits, Cutler & Co., Miss Selfridge, Carlson, Crochetta, and Deryn Schmidt. All fashion has come from Kirkcaldie & Stains, with whom Mr Seng has worked closely.
Mr Seng follows this up with the Gazley Fashion in the Field event for the Trentham Racing Club’s Wellington Cup Carnival on Saturday, January 25, with the first race scheduled for 12.30 p.m.
Known for his styling ability and pushing the envelope to international standards, Mr Seng says he is looking forward to judging. ‘Wellington is known for being very creative, and Gazley Fashion in the Field is the perfect opportunity for us to let those energies flow. I’m truly expecting to be surprised.’
The show is the first 2014 public event put on by Mr Seng, after a hectic 2013 that saw him continue his work with actress Evangeline Lilly and helm the fashion section for both print and online editions of Lucire.
His 2014 calendar is looking more hectic, with projects already planned for more fashion magazines and international media publishing his work.
Notes to editors
A web version of this release may be found at: jyanet.com/info/2014/01/sopheak-seng-puts-wellington-fashion-in-focus-with-cup-day-carnival-events/. Lucire is a registered trade mark of Jack Yan & Associates. Other trade marks are the property of their respective owners and may be subject to protection in certain jurisdictions.
Lucire publisher Jack Yan and Lucire fashion editor Sopheak Seng with Lucire issue 28 (2012)
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Photographed by Louise Hatton
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About Sopheak Seng
Sopheak Seng is a talented fashion editor, writer and stylist, who began his formal fashion training at Massey University before venturing in to the workroom of designer Robyn Mathieson. He later styled and merchandised for the Wellington designer, later moving on to Fashion Marketing Ltd. In July 2010, he was appointed fashion editor of Lucire, overseeing the fashion for all editions, in print and online, the first male to hold the role. He also was given the Lucire beauty portfolio in 2011 for New Zealand. As a stylist, Sopheak Seng has worked with a number of local and international talent from singer Bella Kalolo to actress Evangeline Lilly, dressing them for music videos, editorials and red carpet events. Sopheak has also consulted on a number of key projects as the lead fashion director for commercials, advertising campaigns and for local designers. His personal site, with examples of his earlier work, can be found at http://sopheakseng.com.
About Lucire
Lucire, the global fashion magazine (www.lucire.com), started on the web in 1997. In October 2004, it became the first magazine in its sector to extend its brand into a print magazine. By May 2005, it became the first web magazine to spawn international print editions. Lucire became the first fashion industry partner of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, www.unep.org). It is headquartered in Wellington, New Zealand.
Sopheak Seng
C 64 21 206-2031
E sopheak.seng@
Jack Yan, Publisher
T 64 4 387-3213, F 64 4 387-3213
E jack.yan@