Below: JY Tranquility Italic, by Jack Yan.

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You can use the feedback form on the right to send us
questions about our fonts, or even about our competitors fonts.
Virtually all mail sent through this form is answered within 24 hours.
Please write in either English or French.
Submissions for new designs are welcome. You
can read through this page for more information on submissions.
For orders, visit MyFonts.com,
where you can buy and download your selection instantly, or any one of
our other distributors.
We can take orders directly, provided you pay by cheque,
PayPal or American Express. We do not, however, dispatch immediately:
cheque orders will be dispatched via email upon receipt of funds; American
Express and PayPal orders are dispatched weekdays during Sydney office
Postal address
Jack Yan & Associates
PO Box 14-368
Wellington 6241
New Zealand
Physical address
Jack Yan & Associates
13 Mamari Street
Wellington 6022
New Zealand
Telephone 64 4 387-3213
Fax 64 4 387-3213no unsolicited commercial faxes, please
Email information @ jyanet.com