Below: JY Décennie Titling Roman,
by Jack Yan.

Were open to designs from independent designers all over the world.
Were always on the lookout for typefaces that are expressive and
have that extra something.
First, a JY&A Fonts typeface does not have to be a text
typeface, nor does it have to be conservative. We welcome display types
as much as text types. Second, we encourage designers to push the envelope.
Were always keen on new interpretations of elegant
and timeless: there's still plenty of room to reinterpret these
words and come up with something novel.
We accept typefaces either as printouts, PDFs, outputted font files or
FontLab or Fontographer work files. Printouts should have the word Hamburgefonts
in upper and lower case and then again in all caps.
Submissions will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. However,
we cannot offer confidentiality to those who submit fonts which have been
copied from copyrighted designs or data.
There are some things we dont condone. We have a small set of rulesin
fact, most font foundries abide by them. The main reason is protecting
original designers. If youre a typeface designer, youll be
glad that many foundries have these rules to protect the work you've put
We class the theft of others font data and passing them off as your
own as piracy. We also will not accept typefaces which have simply been
renamed. Third, typefaces which have been filtered through
font-editing programs (e.g. loaded and regenerated several times through
one or more programs) or resized in a font editor, are also illegal under
international copyright treaties, when you dont have the permission
of the copyright holder. In these cases, the copyright owner is alerted
Copying of designs
We support organizations such as TypeRight
because they attempt to give protection to designers. Therefore, we will
not accept typeface designs which have been copied. We believe this is
ethically and morally wrong. There is a narrow exception for revivals.
Revivals are a grey area. Obviously, a designer has to copy from an existing
model in order to revive it. The requirements here are: (a) the latest
copyright owner of the typeface be deceased for more than 75 years and
that the copyright is no longer current; (b) you have prepared the revival
from original artwork and not from an existing digital typeface; (c) the
revived typeface must offer something new in todays typographic
palette. Exceptions to (a) apply if you are the current copyright owner
of the design or you have the copyright owner's express permission.
Derivative fonts
Most end-user licence agreements (EULAs) have a provision where fonts
cannot be derived from the existing data. Therefore, JY&A Fonts will not
accept fonts which have been derived from others when they are governed
by such a provision. You must first seek the copyright owners permission
or licence first if you want to submit such a typeface to us. However,
we welcome designs which have been derived from your own original work.
